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If you are looking for an app for your delivery drivers, this blog can help you choose the best mobile app to streamline your water delivery operations.

Table of content

  1. What is a water delivery driver app?
  2. How does the water delivery driver app work?
  3. Benefits of using a water delivery driver app
  4. Challenges faced by water delivery driver app
  5. How do you choose the right water delivery driver app?
  6. The future of water delivery services

What is a water delivery driver app?

A water delivery driver app is an Android mobile application designed for delivery drivers. The application has all the delivery information, including customer details – name, address, and order details. The platform provides daily task clarity, improving the efficiency of deliveries and reducing delivery costs.

The driver app is integrated with the admin panel and the customer app works in sync and provides real-time updates.

The changes made by the delivery driver,

  1. Changing delivery status (delivered, rescheduled, or cancelled)
  2. Obtaining electronic proof of delivery
  3. Creating new orders
  4. Recording cash collected
  5. Collecting empty water bottle logs
  6. Modifying orders

These changes are automatically reflected on the admin panel, and notifications are sent to customers.

How does the water delivery driver app work?

The vendor assigns delivery drivers to a specific route. This automatically assigns orders from that route to that driver. Vendors can also manually assign different drivers to a particular customer.

Step-by-step guide on how this works:

Step 1: Order placement and confirmation
The customer places the order. The vendor may manually or automatically confirm the order at that point.

Step 2: Order assigning
The order gets automatically assigned to the driver to whom that particular route and schedule selected by the customer have been allotted.

Step 3: Route optimisation
The app uses routing algorithms to plan the most efficient delivery route and sequences the delivery into the route, minimising travel time and fuel consumption.

Step 4: Order pickup
The driver picks up orders in bulk to deliver them to the customers on that same route.

Step 5: Order out for delivery
The driver goes out for order delivery. The app has a GPS navigation feature that allows drivers to make hassle-free deliveries.

Step 6: Order fulfillment
The driver reaches the customer’s doorstep.

He can:

  • The driver can modify the order.
  • Obtain electronic proof of delivery, record cash collection or proof of payment (transaction ID or picture of the successful payment page), and record collected empty bottles and given water bottles.
  • The drivers can deliver using OTP from the customer’s registered mobile.
  • The recipient’s information can be saved if the order is delivered to someone else. All these recorded details are auto-updated in the admin panel.

The order is then delivered.

Benefits of using a water delivery driver app

The water delivery driver app aims to streamline delivery operations, improve efficiency and productivity, and allow you to serve more customers in the defined time. Integrating the water delivery driver app offers various benefits for you as a vendor, customer, and driver. We’ll discuss the benefits of the driver app for water delivery individually in detail.

Benefits of the water delivery driver app for:

The vendor

  • Automating processes like ordering, payment collection, order assigning and scheduling, and delivery planning optimises delivery operations. Improved productivity reduces delivery costs and improves profits.
  • Optimising routes allows efficient resource management, which reduces overhead and adds to revenue.
  • The app provides real-time order tracking to customers, and clear communication, ensuring reliable deliveries and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Delivery analytics allow vendors to track delivery efficiency and driver performance. The vendor can analyse them to take measures and improve deliveries.
  • Digital order management and electronic proof of delivery remove paperwork, streamlining administrative work and reducing errors.

The customer

  • Customers can place the order digitally from the customer app.
  • The customer app allows customers to track their orders in real-time and receive ETA.
  • The customer can choose a preferred delivery schedule at their convenience.
  • The app provides multiple payment options – debit/ credit cards, payment gateways, in-app wallet, wire transfers, and cash.
  • Customers can access their order history with an order summary.

The driver

  • Easy navigation when out for delivery. Today, 70% of customers are willing to pay more for faster, more convenient delivery. The optimised route ensures fast deliveries, reducing fuel consumption and carbon footprints.
  • Drivers can modify, reschedule, or cancel customer orders in run-time from the driver app.
  • GPS navigation allows drivers to find efficient delivery routes and make deliveries hassle-free.
  • Delivery drivers can obtain electronic signatures, photos, or digital receipts to provide verifiable proof of delivery, reducing disputes and errors.

Challenges faced by water delivery drivers

ravi garg, wds, challenges, water delivery drivers, unclear task, real-time changes, record empty bottles, payments, proof of delivery, navigation, tracking

Your delivery drivers might face challenges that impact their efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Here are some of the issues faced by them:

  • Unclear tasks – The common questions like where to deliver, when to deliver, and whom to deliver are unclear. This may lead to delivering the wrong order, or to the wrong customer, decreasing order accuracy and customer satisfaction.
  • Can not update real-time changes – Without delivery apps, drivers can not update any changes. Marking delivery options include delivered, rescheduled, or canceled.
  • Record empty bottles – The drivers can’t record the collected number of empty bottles, given water bottles, or the number of empty bottles still with the customers.
  • Payments – Any payment made to the driver in cash or online has no proof. This can lead to negative cash flow and bad debt.
  • Obtain proof of delivery – Your delivery drivers can’t obtain proof of delivery. This can lead to customer disputes and leave your customers dissatisfied.
  • No navigation and tracking – The drivers do not have navigation maps, leading to delays. You and your customers can not track drivers or orders. Unable to track drivers and orders can result in inefficient delivery and reduced customer satisfaction rates.

How to choose the right water delivery driver app?

Choosing the right water delivery driver app is crucial to ensuring efficient operations and high customer satisfaction.

These are the key factors you must consider while choosing the right water delivery app for your drivers:


  • Understand the pricing model of the software service provider (subscription-based, pay-per-use, or one-time payment).
  • The app must fit your budget while ensuring you get the necessary features.


  • Order management – View, manage, and modify orders.
  • Route optimisation – Efficient route planning and scheduling to reduce turnaround time and fuel consumption.
  • GPS navigation – For drivers to make multi-stop deliveries hassle-free.
  • Real-time tracking – GPS tracking allows tracking customers and vendors in real time.
  • E-proof of delivery – Electronic signatures, pictures, and OTP.
  • Record payments – Receive online and cash payments.
  • Proof of payment – OTP and transactional ID.
  • Create order – Place orders for existing and new customers. This feature allows your drivers to acquire new customers.
  • Empty bottle tracking – Record the number of collected water bottles, given water bottles, and water bottles still with customers.
  • Notify customers – Send notifications to customers when the drivers are near the customer’s address.

User interface (UI)

  • The driver app interface must be simple and intuitive.
  • Availability of training sessions and knowledge base.

Customer support

  • 24/7 technical support or during business hours.
  • Effective and quick resolution of issues.
  • Multiple support channels.

Personalisation and customisation

  • You should be able to customise the app to align it with your business.
  • The app must be scalable.
  • Major integrations must be available.

Trends in water delivery apps

ravi garg, wds, trends, water delivery apps, aritificial intelligence, machine learning, sustainability, user experience

The future of water delivery services is expected to evolve, depending on several trends and technological advancements. These developments have enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

Here are the major trends in water delivery apps:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

They have become essential tools to optimise water delivery services. Analytics with AI can forecast demand patterns, optimise inventory levels, and plan efficient delivery routes. This ensures that the resources are used wisely and effectively. You can handle routine tasks, track orders, and provide real-time updates to enhance customer service, removing human interference. These technologies can significantly improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Sustainability initiatives

With growing ecological concerns and customers preferring environmentally friendly solutions, businesses have started prioritising eco-friendly solutions. Biodegradable or reusable water containers like water bottles can help reduce environmental impact. Using electric vehicles (EVs) for deliveries minimises carbon emissions, aligns with broader environmental goals, and appeals to environmental conservation. This enhances the brand’s reputation and customer loyalty.

Enhanced user experience

Technologies can make deliveries smoother and more intuitive, improving overall satisfaction for all parties involved. Using features like route optimisation, GPS tracking, empty water bottle tracking as reverse logistics, and subscription management are some crucial features that have improved the customer experience and satisfaction rates. A simple and easy-to-use interface has enhanced the customer journey and experience.

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The water delivery services are all set for technological transformation with automation, artificial intelligence, and sustainability initiatives. The water delivery app offers advanced route optimisation, retail water supply chain management, improved communication, and improved security. Implementing such solutions can enhance customer satisfaction and give the water delivery business an edge in a consistently changing landscape.

Ravi Garg Founder & CEO

He loves to explore. His passion for helping delivery industries in all aspects flows through in the vision he has. In addition to providing smart solution to make delivery process flawless, Ravi also likes to write sometimes to make it easier for people from business industry looking for digital solutions.